Network Security
Cyber crime is predicted to be the largest crime area in this decade. If your network isn’t correctly configured, it could be vulnerable to hackers, identity thieves and other threats. That’s bad news for your business and your customers. On top of this, the legal penalties for a security breach (that could have been prevented) are tremendous. At SysNet Solution we use state-of-the-art security techniques to keep the ‘bad guys’ out, while providing authorized personnel access to important files and applications. Like any other information system, a network system requires configuration, patching, authentication and authorization controls.
SysNet Solution network security is a powerful security solution for businesses of all sizes, as it includes Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Intelligence and Control Service; Content Filtering Service; ViewPoint Reporting Software and 24x7 technical support.

Firewall Integration
SysNet Solution firewall integration techniques is a family of hardware and virtual appliances designed to protect network infrastructure, improve site-to-site connectivity and simplify administration of network operations. Beyond all our powerful network firewall, IPS and VPN technologies, SysNet’s firewall integrates a comprehensive set of next generation firewall technologies, including Layer 7 application control, WAN optimization, Web filtering, anti-virus, anti-spam and network access control enforcement. Network security and threat mitigation models are constantly changing as methods of attack evolve and become more sophisticated. As such it is imperative that the web security layer of your network is configured correctly so that valuable business information, systems and reputation are not compromised.
- Single Firewall
- Dual High Availability Firewall Pair
- Inbound Firewall Rules
- Secured Interfaces
- Rack Mount Onsite
- Configure Rules, NATs, IP Routing & Management Access
- Test and Confirm Internet Connectivity
- Test Email Inbound / Outbound
- Configure and Test LAN-LAN Tunnels
- Configure and Test Remote Access VPN
- Clientless SSL VPN Configuration
- SSL VPN Portal
- Policy Migration From Existing
- Firewall Configuration Backup
Penetration Testing
A Penetration Test simulates an attack on IT system. During the testing the team attempts to find and exploit vulnerabilities to determine what information and access is able to be gained. This is designed to mimic the actions of an attacker exploiting weaknesses in network security without the usual risks. IT Security Compliance regulations and guidelines (GLBA, NCUA, FFIEC, HIPAA, etc.) require an organization to conduct independent testing of the Information Security Program to identify vulnerabilities that could result in unauthorized disclosure, misuse, alteration or destruction of confidential information, including Non-Public Personal Information (NPPI). We at SysNet Solution provide these services for the Internet-facing components (website, email servers, etc.) of the organization’s network which are constantly exposed to threats from hackers.
- Footprinting.
- Public Information & Information Leakage.
- DNS Analysis & DNS Bruteforcing.
- Port Scanning.
- System Fingerprinting.
- Services Probing.
- Exploit Research.
- Manual Vulnerability Testing and Verification of Identified Vulnerabilities.
- Intrusion Detection/Prevention System Testing.
- Password Service Strength Testing.
Server Hardening
While not all servers are exposed directly to the internet like a web server, chances are that they are on a network that is connected to the internet. Even then you have some protection from firewalls and routers to stop internet traffic from getting into the server. However what protection is there from your internet facing server getting taken over by an outside attacker and launching attacks on your other servers?
The answer is server hardening, the processes of securing your servers to the maximum level possible. We can perform an analysis on your servers to find the common and not so common weaknesses in its configuration, and software. SysNet Solution specializes in Microsoft Windows operating systems, we can quickly and accurately find the most common vulnerabilities your Windows system has. We can also secure other operating systems such as Linux.
- Issues with your operating system configuration (We use our operating system hardening service as the core for this).
- Issues with logging and user permissions.
- Issues with the configuration of the software on your servers.
- Plus more such as virus infection potential, and unnecessary software and services running on your servers that could leave it open to attack.
- Third party software for enhanced security.